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Establishment v The People. 5G. Fraud. Cover Ups. GMCA & GMP.

In the last twelve or thirteen years 2006/7 to Date i was progressing research on a £200 Million Mortgage Securities Fraud (Gap 5000 properties £40,000 over valuation each) which was proven over time to be masterminded from the HM Treasury Department whose ministers jurisdiction covered the FSA then FCA, HMRC and HM Treasury. Many parties were involved but the ministers are controlled by The City.

16th October 2018 I met APPG Banking's Exec Director Heather Buchanan and James Ventress in Portcullis House, Westminster after an introduction through Kevin Hollinrake MP for Thirsk and Molton.

In that meeting also was MP Mike Kane, Sale East & Wythenshawe, my MP.

The meeting outcome was that Mike Kane agreed to ask questions of John Glen The Treasury Minister in The House of Commons. Based around a question set i was to bring together.

On the 30th November 2018 I met Mike Kane MP in his Wythenshawe office, he asked for a recap although he was copied on emails for his staff to read and convey between dates and appeared to not recollect what he was meant to be doing.

As soon as I started the recap a tirade of your "Anti Semitic" and a "Conspiracy Theorist" statements were made toward me. He had no intention of carrying out the task as instructed.

The facts that the Banking Cartels long reach extended to mortgage fraud and property theft and i had delivered the evidence to APPG Banking didn't seem to bare relevance to the matter.

I deal in facts not theories and a conspiracy theorist now i see as a badge of honour delivered by those who do NOT research themselves or are COMPROMISED.

At this point my suspicions were confirmed that all political parties to some degree were implicated in the Banking Fraud cover ups where Securities Fraud and Asset theft from Businesses and individuals were not to be questioned in the House of Commons.

Its Televised and the establishments hold over some of our politicians is so strong they are prepared to cover up fraud and commit treason to hide the identity of their controllers.

I have received many email communications from third parties and spoken to many businesses on how their asset theft was contrived.

We now label these Banking network techniques as Bait and Switch "the deal" or Bait and Snatch "your assets".

My view is that the UK economy is being taken down from within. This APPG Banking and Mike Kane were aware of after our meeting and had the data to support. FACT.

To confirm the tactical aspects of the Banks i had come across Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars after being referred to a book written by Bill Cooper an ex US Naval Intelligence Officer. Also the investigative work of Debbie Tavares and Ian Crane.

Bill was run off the road twice and eventually shot dead for exposing the tactics of the "Elites" in controlling Corporate Interests and US Government at both a Central and Local level.

A little more on this subject can be read on the Home Page of

How do 5G, SMART meters, WiFi LED Lighting and Systemic Bank Fraud link together?

We have to do a follow the money exercise.

When analysing business problems we look at People and What They Do, Processes and their Efficiencies, Systems and their suitability for the job at hand now and where the business wants to go. We also look at the money flow.

The business problems we identify by department through workshops and then do a brown paper exercise then place all the problems to the right hand side.

Below is the "Money Creation From Nothing" process that Banks use to commit financial fraud and this helps identify how Mortgage Securitisation Claims work and where the Banks have taken funds from the public purse and are double dipping into your pockets.

TPS 100 waiver code gets your mortgage checked for £1 to see if its been securitised. Full Terms & Conditions are on the website

Correct Business Process Re engineering helps remove the problematic issues and build that perfect system that makes your business run most efficiently.

We can then take that Business and look at Continuous Improvement, Knowledge Management and Performance Management initiatives.

The Problems we have currently as a Nation are highlighted further in a discussion between Anthony Stansfeld, Thames Valley Police Commissioner, Ian Fraser, author of Shredded, The inside story of the RBS collapse and RT's Renegade Inc's host Ross Ashcroft. The group debate systemic UK Bank Fraud and how to address.

Watch to develop the knowledge you will need. There is a financial collapse on the way and its manufactured by those who run the Central Banks.

A financial reset by design will assist the Banks in covering up the fraud and for the "Elites" to change the parameters of the money supply.

The issues with 5G, SMART meters and those Corporate's that drive the Resilient City Message to our local councils are delivered with an alternative outcome in mind.

Rand Organisation (Rockefellers) sold a solution that meets the Banking Corporate Outcome paid for by Local Funds? Taxes? You Pay!!.

Our Councils and Councillors are no longer acting in our best interests when you understand the corporate objectives are driven by Commercial Psycopaths looking to reduce headcount and collapse the financial system.

These are the last two stages of Silent Weapons Quiet Wars (SWQW)

SWQW is a Bilderberg, Rothschild Rockefeller (Rand Org) document.

Link to the document read fully but understand that the control is by a Banker? Extract:

Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning.

It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.

It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life.

Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for.

This is about personal greed, corporate theft and control. The same mechanism was used in the 1930's to invade European neighbouring countries by the Nazi's.

The Establishment v The People.

Unfortunately those who we elected to govern both centrally and locally are compromised through a mix of financial bungs, compromised by their actions or the speciality of the Bankers to get a control result is Paedophilia as weve seen in the Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein and soon to be revealed,

Who placed Jes Staley, CEO at Barclays and Why?

Look to Mark Taylors Video in Source Data for the answer.

This will all come out when the FBI cross examine our "Royal Friend" Andrew and learn of the links within the intelligence networks, Banking, Paedophile rings and fraud.

Who was meant to question the Barclays appointment by our Governments Treasury Select Committee and why this didn't happen?

Many of these answers are in Source Data. Those who do their own research will make better financial decisions for themselves, families and their businesses.

In identifying the problems within GMCA, Greater Manchester Combined Authorities (10 Councils), I've requested a fraud case be reopened by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) as It helps Identify the long term plans of Bankers to undermine the local and the national economy. This has lead local councilors and ourselves up the garden path.

This course of action wastes much needed funds, time and leads to further poverty for many, loss of property and when LED Street lights, SMART meters and Wifi are linked with an EMP - electro magnetic pulse, an early death.

Effectively the components make up a compartmentalised bomb. See Source Data, Mark Steele's Grenfell Analysis also Debbie Tavares (DT), Paradise California events.

DT's Stop The Crime. Net site gives the early warning signs of what to expect here in Manchester or of Resilient Cities worldwide.

Its Project Fear Mentality. Control. A Silent Weapons Blueprint

The full story behind Grenfell is kept from the people. The tell tale signs are in Source Data under analysis identified by Mark Steele.

With Councillors, these problems could be put down to a mix possibly of poor decisions or poor advisors but when advised correctly as GMCA have been and then reading the Source Data extracts specifically stats both Globally and for the UK, I think there is a more sinister set of events at play.

The WorldBank, The EU, CIA, US DoD plus other sources show the UK population reduction to be to 15 Million from 66 Million a total of 51 Million Deaths in the UK inside 5 years? This would be Genocide and they know it.

Possibly GMCA were not advised of this when taking the advice from possibly the Rand Organisation or whichever consultants specified the LED lighting, but to implement into residential areas this falls within our Councillors boundaries.

Source Data gives you the detail, Silent Weapons Quiet Wars identifies the blue print and how they've established the need to remove us. underlines the blueprint and quantifies how many of us they want to die.

The Georgia Guidestones figures confirms this. 500 Million in total remaining globally under the "Elites" control.

The Question is are you going to sit there and do nothing, think others will do it for you or will you get active and prevent your children, grandchildren and yourself from a painful death.

LED streetlights will cause cancer in both male and female members of our society from the research undertaken by Exeter and Barcelona Universities.

The Time to Act is Now.

Email to GMCA.

Freedom of Information Request FOIA: 311532

Mail Exchange: Points 1-6

We will keep this post updated as progress or lack of progress is identified.

GMCA have been given 28 days to provide the required data which will be up in early January.

Property Theft - There Is A Method: Bait & Snatch.

Yesterday Mark Steele gave me a call with a disturbing case.

An elderly guy in the North East who owned his own property had been offered a refurbishment package by the Council?

They carried out the work, the standard wasn't to an acceptable standard also they had placed a street light right outside his property. This was why they presumably wanted to help get his home up to standard?

They invoiced him £50,000, he couldn't pay and now they are looking to take his property from him?

This style of theft is called Bait and Snatch and is a standard mechanism we've seen on a number of occasions.

In the PAG deck (Property Action Group) its covered by the Rekah Patel story which can be found in Source Data.

Look after elderly neighbours and those who may not be aware fully that there are those who will go to such underhand methods to steal your property. Deception is rife.

We expect more of this as it fits the Agenda 21, 2030 model.

We expect to get more on this North East storyline shortly.

Keep Your Eyes Open. Look Out For Yourselves, Neighbours and Family.

THE RESPONSE FROM GMCA. 18th December 2019

This response is Strange As Trafford Initially said it was managed lock stock and barrel by GMCA.

This was confirmed by GMCA staff? There is only one way to conclusively prove this and that is to ask every Council the Questions asked of GMCA?

I detect a serious case of slopey GMCA shoulder's and an investigation by the people coming into play.

The ICO are just another government regulatory cover up operation. Similar to FCA, MHRA, FCC etc.

The "Nothing To Be Seen Here Gang" Lets Waste Your Time Crew..

Keep you posted.

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