Crowdfunding Property. SA Units.

OK we want to get into property, downsize or create an income from Serviced Accommodation but cant afford it?
You can now..
Low cost housing can be brought into the UK and as long as the installation meets planning regulations there should be a way forward.
We arrange the shipping and delivery leveraging reduced project costs. When 4 or more units are delivered this makes it more viable.
We can make an assessment with a view on planning where necessary from as little as £360.00
As a guide under 30 Sq Mtrs footprint and under 3.9 Metres in height wouldnt require consent, with the groundwork starting at under £10,000 will get you a profitable unit.
See below on how to raise the funds?

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Impact101 Replicated Website
Id like to make some money from Property but where do i start?
Step 2. Serviced Accommodation.
Contact Us Here on 07496 300789 or
Run SA yourself or We Can Do This For You.

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07496 300789 or